Club membership
The membership of The Rotary Club of Torrey Pines is a diverse group of business and professional men and women who live or work in La Jolla and surrounding communities.
By design, members represent many vocational areas, including medical, investments, financial planning, insurance, printing services, publishing, personnel services, travel agency, public utilities, communications, military and others. Some members are working and some retired. The wide assortment of vocational experience leads to interesting and informative discussions around the lunch table.
All members subscribe to maintaining high ethical standards in their professional and personal endeavors. All are committed to "Service Above Self" which is the overall theme of Rotary everywhere.
The advantages of club membership are, first, the opportunity to network and socialize with an accomplished and diverse group of business and professional leaders in our community and, second, a chance to "put something back" by offering service and/or support to the needy, locally or around the world. As a bonus, club members are part of Rotary International, a prestigious service organization of 1.2 million members, and its humanitarian work including the 20+ year program to innoculate children in developing countries and thereby "End Polio Now."
Rotary members are expected to attend weekly meetings whenever possible. Of course, we all must miss a meeting from time to time and members are encouraged to make up for a missed meeting by attending a meeting of another club. The 34,000 clubs worldwide all welcome visiting Rotarians, which can provide valuable networking opportunities for members who travel to distant locations.
Membership is by invitation. For more information, or to arrange to visit a meeting as our guest, please contact the club's Membership Chairman, Gordon Shurtleff, at 858-483-4990.